Sunday, December 30, 2012

Demand and Sales Aren't Equivalent

by Eddie Yoon  |  12:00 PM October 17, 2012

"Sales is what you buy. Demand is what you want. Growth comes from bringing the two together." As companies try to exploit the opportunities presented by Big Data, the difference between those two things is an essential insight.

Most executives assume that sales equal demand. Very often, this couldn't be further from the truth. The challenge with sales data is that it is too superficial. First, shopping occurs at the household level, but demand is at the individual level.

Take the last grocery bill for beverages for my family of five. There are no beverages that our entire household all consumes. Four out of five of us drink milk, three out of five drink juice, two out of five drink coffee, and just one-fifth of us prefer enhanced water.

No sales database can tease apart these nuances, and if you're simply measuring sales, it's hard to tell who in my family represents demand for each of these products. Also, the past does not predict the future. For nearly all the categories above, we were buying different variations (e.g., soy milk, almond milk, organic milk) and brands of each six months ago.

Finally, sales don't equal demand because consumers settle for less far more often than most realize. Consumers are forced to buy hot dogs and hot dog buns in different pack sizes. Socks come in a handful of sizes when shoe sizes range in 20+ lengths with 7+ widths, for a total of 140+ permutations. Twenty-nine percent of beer drinkers don't like the taste of beer! Between out of stocks, suboptimal assortment, pricing inefficiencies, difficult POS experiences, misaligned brands, and redundant innovation, I'd be surprised if consumers were happy with more than half their purchases.

If the challenge of analyzing sales data is breadth, the challenge of profiting from demand data is the inverse: It requires such depth that purpose, practicality and profit get lost. Demand data comes in the form of market research, demographic/behavioral databases, and more recently in social media and search, all of which require you to wallow in the primordial soup of unmet needs to figure it out. Demand is primal. I've seen consumers cry when given just the right stapler because being neat and organized is part of their identity. I've seen people wax poetic about how a basic bar of soap can be a passport to paradise, if even for just 10 minutes. It's easy to overlook the profound, Pandora's Box of human emotions that even the most commodity of products can unlock, because each of us has profoundly complex and uniquely rich stories. Demand is also paradoxical. Consumers frequently say and do very different things. The 29% of beer drinkers who don't really like beer are reluctant to say that out loud. Finally, demand needs to be measured in profits, by quantifying the economic value of a Facebook Like, a Google search, or a top two box score on a survey. That enables research to be linked to resource allocation and ROI and ensures purpose and practicality won't be lost along the way.

While sales and demand data have their own challenges, the biggest upside will come from better integration across both, as well as a third area of data we have yet to talk about...what people watch. I am a consumer (demand data), shopper (sales data) and watcher (media data). Yet most companies are focused on going deeper in one area, instead of integrating across all three. The challenge is that the keys to each of the three datasets are held by different companies: consumer (manufacturers), shopper (retailers) and watcher (media). Even the digital area is still fairly fragmented across consumers (Facebook/Twitter), shoppers (Amazon) and watchers (YouTube/Netflix), though some are trying hard to get to all three like Google (Google +, search, YouTube) and Amazon (reviews/ratings, retail and Prime videos).
This is why big demand data will require renaissance executives who are both right and left brained, schooled in anthropology and accounting, who are equally skilled in using a microscope and telescope to solve problems and find growth.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Conducting Meetings

5 personalities that wreck a meeting

If you're running a session, here are five kinds of people that can make things go awry fast -- and how to deal with them

The bully.  Feel free to treat this person like the second grader and say "Jeff, we're listening to Mary right now."

The non sequitur. This person sees no relation between what he is saying and the agenda. Say; "That's an interesting but let us move back to our current agenda item."

The would-be visionary. proposing ideas that sound deep the first time ("What if we doubled that?"). "I'd love if our revenue doubled too, Steve. Now back to the question of why we lost the Smith account."

The constant questioner. deflect with "We'll be getting to that, and I promise I'll make time in 5 minutes for questions."

The rambler. Occasionally makes good points, but buries each nugget in 10 minutes of fluff. "Jan, do you come out for it or against it?"

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Business Development of complex B2B products

Complex , Customized,  Products  &  Solutions
This  is  a  unique  situation  where  many,  and  very senior,  people are  involved  in  either making  or  influencing  the  decision. They are making this type of decision  probably for the first time because what  is  on  offer  is expensive,  complex,  and  intangible.  The  benefits  offered  by  competitors  are   complex  to  understand  and  compare. The  customers  do not clearly have an idea of what  they  really  need. Each person  from  the  buying  side brings  his  own  functional  and  experiential  perspective  to the  table.  If  the  sale  goes  through,  it  will  involve  a  long  association where  several  people  from  the  buying  and  selling  organization  will  be  engaged  during  widely  and  deeply  during  pre-sales,  during-sale  and  post-sales  periods.     

Examples  of  such  products / situations
  • ERP  system.
  • Idea  of  making  a  chemical  manufacturer to  change raw  material  / process.
  • Agency   pitching for  a  major  new  account.
  • Trying  to  sell  a  new  fighter  plane  to  a  country’s  air  force.
  • Selling  water  treatment  plant  to  a  municipal  corporation.
  • Trying  to  convince  a  patient  to  undergo  a  certain  heart  surgical  procedure.
  • Trying  to  sell  a  new  medical  imaging  system  to  a  hospital. 

In  such  situations,  it  is  not about the product and price  alone. Under  these  circumstances  the  customer  does  not  even  understand  his  own  problem and needs  clearly -  let  alone  know  the  right  product  and  price  for  it.  

A  successful  salesperson  in  this  situation,  helps the  customer  to create a solution  that he  could not have been able to come up on his  own. In  other  words  it  is  the  expertise  of  the  salesperson  that  makes  a  big  difference.  It  is  this  ability to collaborate with the  customer,  stimulate his thinking and create revenue-building solutions that a  customer  does  not  have  the time or the wherewithal to create for himself. They  work  “with  the  customer”. They don’t sit across the desk from a customer  spewing information and hoping for a commission. They actually become an integral part of the  customer’s  business, making his  life easier and contributing to his measurable success. The sales process is not done “to the  customer” but “with the  customer”.   

There  are  four phases involved:
  • Discover: The sales and marketing professional researches, prepares and sets the stage for a compelling engagement and a continuing relationship based on trust and respect.
  • Diagnose: An in-depth determination of the existence, extent and financial impact of the customer’s current situation is pursued. Diagnosis is meant to maximize customers’ objective awareness of their dissatisfaction and determine whether that dissatisfaction corresponds to the salesperson’s offerings.
  • Design: The goal is to get the marketing professional and customer working together to identify the optimal solution to the problems that were uncovered and quantified in the Diagnose phase—even if it involves alternative solutions offered by competitors. This phase is the “dress rehearsal” before the final presentation is made. It is here that many salespeople make the mistake of giving away valuable information and becoming an unpaid consultant.
  • Deliver: This phase begins with the presentation of a formal proposal and the customer’s subsequent formal acceptance of the solution. Implementation and support of the solution are next, followed by maintaining and growing the relationship with the customer.  
5 Traits  of  successful 
Business Development  professionals   
  1. They diagnose your problem. When a sales professional launches into a description of his “solution” without first establishing a clear understanding of your situation, be wary. A great salesperson never assumes that they or you understand the very real, very complex problems you face. Instead, like a good psychiatrist, he methodically questions and diagnoses until he uncovers those problems and expands your awareness. Once you both clearly understand your problem—and you perceive all the ramifications of that problem—then he is justified in making recommendations.  After all, if you’re not feeling any pain, why would you want to change? Diagnosis takes time and hard work. A credible salesperson proves that he is willing to provide both.
  2. They ask questions, rather than tell stories. Conventional salespeople tell stories about their solutions, not to mention proclaiming the superiority of their company’s brand, history and reputation. Prospective customers expect to hear these stories and rarely take them seriously.  Chances are you will take a salesperson seriously when she displays concern for the problems you may have and the expertise to solve them. This is demonstrated by asking questions, questions that you would not have thought to ask yourself. The true professional’s activity is additive to your knowledge as well as her own. How else could a sales professional acquire the raw information she needs to make an accurate diagnosis and design an efficient solution?
  3. They let you set the pace. If a salesperson is truly there to serve you, he will not rush you, pressure you or manipulate you. The last thing he will want to do is create mistrust or a confrontational atmosphere. Therefore he will let you discover, understand the impact of and take ownership of problems before he discusses solution options. This will take a while. You will know you have a great salesperson if you find yourself feeling emotionally comfortable and communicating openly. This state of being is the only way to do mutually beneficial business.
  4. They help you calculate the cost of your problem. It’s not enough for a salesperson to say, “You have a problem and it’s costing you money.” She must say, “We need to determine how much this is costing you and see if it make sense to pursue a solution.”  Vagueness is a red flag. If a salesperson shies away from establishing an accurate cost, it’s either because she doesn’t know the cost (or is too lazy to do the work to find out), or she’s afraid the cost will be too low to justify the solution she’s offering. Generally, the second reason is the most likely one. And maybe your problem isn’t significant enough to justify the expense—and a great salesperson will suggest that to you and respect that outcome.
  5.  They don’t let you fall into the “creeping elegance” trap. Let’s say that you become so enthusiastic about the potential value of the solution a salesperson is offering that you drop into the “as long as we’re going to do this we might as well also do that” mode of thinking.  A conventional salesperson might let you run up your wish list, all the time counting up the extra commissions in his head. A great salesperson will ensure that his sales do not expand beyond reasonable financial parameters. He knows that because complex sales inherently involve more than one decision maker, if you unnecessarily expand the scope of a solution one of your colleagues will shoot the whole project down. Thus, he loses your business—and you lose the benefit of the solution.  A truly good sales professional is worth his or her weight in gold. He will function as a consultant for you, a strategic partner, even an advocate. He will give you a competitive advantage. Instead of reluctantly dealing with a high-pressure adversary, you’ll be forming a partnership based on mutual trust and respect.
The  right   sales   process  here  is  actually  opposite  to  what  is  taught  in  conventional selling. In conventional selling  a  salesperson  starts  with  a  product  which is already designed for a known target  market and his task is  to present the  product interactively - in the light of the need of the customer- so that an order can be obtained. In  short,  the  emphasis  of  the  traditional  selling  is  on  salesmanship.  On  the  other hand,  a  sale  of  the  kind  we  are  talking  about  is  a  combination  of  marketing  and  sales  put  together :  it  is  first  understanding  the  need  of  the  customer,  figure  out  what  he  wants,  configure  it  for  him  and  only  then   begin  selling  it. 

To avoid pitfalls  the  sales  force  involved  needs  to  go  through  the  following ideas:   
  • Avoid  Premature  Presentations. Discuss this question: why should we present a solution to customers’ problems before they clearly understand what those problems are—and, more to the point, before a customer fully comprehends the problem and recognizes that you do too? While most salespeople devote the majority of their face-to-face time presenting and handling objections, the most successful salespeople spend the majority of their time collaborating with customers, diagnosing their situation, designing or creating a desired solution, and building their resolve to actively solve the problem.
  • Let  customer  take  the  ownership : Don’t lead him. The traditional sales or marketing representative draws conclusions for the customer—often prematurely—and presents them to the customer before the customer is prepared to hear them. It is important that the customer discover and take ownership of the problem before deciding to seek a solution. If the rep moves ahead of the customer, the customer is likely to interpret the rep’s actions as pushy or manipulative. This leads to a lack of trust and creates a confrontational rather than cooperative atmosphere.
  • Motivate the customer to change. No pain, no change, no sale. Dissatisfaction is the most basic human motivator for change. It is the natural defence mechanism that tells people that if they don’t change and deal with a problem, they will face consequences. Change itself is painful. As a result, change will not occur until an individual or company recognizes that it would be more painful not to change. This is why it’s critical that your reps conduct a thorough diagnosis that uncovers the pain of the current situation and the lack of the future outcome. As you know, nothing less will motivate the customer to change.
  • Quickly  identify  if  the  prospect has  an immediate reason and resources to make a change. Only  20% - 30% prospects  have  both;  for  the  rest   get  ready  to  accept “No”  and  move  on.  The  traditional  mindset  is  that  a  good  salesman  does  not  take “no” for an answer  and  they  think that “no” equates to personal failure.  For  the  kind  of  sale  we  are  talking  about,  coach your reps in  asking “Is there someplace better I could be  instead  of  a  customer  who  neither  has  reason  nor  resources?” It  is  not  bad  to  go for the “no.” One advantage of a thorough diagnosis is that it allows the salesperson to quickly identify the 20-30% of prospects who have the immediate reason and resources to make a change.  A thorough diagnosis is the difference between an intellectual conversation about a desirable future and an objective observation and measurement of real indicators of an unacceptable present.

Detailed  Description  of  7  Steps
1.   Planning And/Or Preparation
2.   Introduction Or Opening
3.   Questioning
4.   Presentation
5.   Overcoming Objections/Negotiating
6.   Close Or Closing
7.   After-Sales Follow-Up

(1) Planning / Preparation
  • Generally, the larger the prospect organization, the more research you should do before any sales call at which you will be expected, or are likely, to present you company's products or services.
  • Ensure know your own product/service extremely well - especially features, advantages and benefits that will be relevant to the prospect you will be meeting
  • Ascertain as far as you can the main or unique perceived organizational benefit that your product or service would give to your prospect
  • Discover what current supply arrangements exist or are likely to exist for the product/service in question, and assess what the present supplier's reaction is likely to be if their business is at threat
  • Understand what other competitors are able and likely to offer, and which ones are being considered if any
  • Identify as many of the prospect organization's decision-makers and influencers as you can, and assess as much as far as you can what their needs, motives and relationships are
  • Try to get a feel for what the organizational politics are
  • What are the prospect's organizational decision-making process and financial parameters (budgets, year-end date)
  • What are your prospect's strategic issues, aims, priorities and problems, or if you can't discover these pre-meeting, what are they generally for the market sector in which the prospect operates?
  • Prepare your opening statements and practice your sales presentation
  • Prepare your presentation in the format in which you are to give it (eg., MS Powerpoint slides for laptop or projected presentation) plus all materials, samples, hand-outs, brochures, etc., and always have spares - allow for more than the planned numbers as extra people often appear at the last minute - see the presentation section for more detailed guidance on designing formal sales presentations
  • Prepare a checklist of questions or headings that will ensure you gather all the information you need from the meeting
  • Think carefully about what you want to get from the meeting and organise your planning to achieve it
 (2) Opening  
  • Smile - be professional, and take confidence from the fact that you are well-prepared
  • Introduce yourself - first and last name, what your job is and the company you represent, and what the your company does (ensure this is orientated to appeal to the prospect's strategic issues)
  • Set the scene - explain the purpose of your visit, again orientate around your prospect not yourself, eg "I'd like to learn about your situation and priorities in this area, and then if appropriate, to explain how we (your own company) approach these issues. Then if there looks as though there might be some common ground, to agree how we could move to the next stage."
  • Ask how much time your prospect has and agree a time to finish
  • Ask if it's okay to take notes (it's polite to ask - also, all business information is potentially sensitive, and asking shows you realise this)
  • Ask if it's okay to start by asking a few questions or whether your prospect would prefer a quick overview of your own company first (this will depend on how strongly known and credible your own company is - if only a little you should plan to give a quick credibility-building overview in your introduction)
  • The main purpose of questioning is to confirm or discover the strongest or unique perceived organizational benefit that would accrue to the prospect from the product/service - it may be one (usually) or two (occasionally) or three (rarely) key things, which may be obvious to seller and buyer, or not obvious to either, in which case questioning expertise is critical
  • Questioning must also discover how best to develop the sale with the organization - how they decide, when, people and procedures involved, competitor pressures, etc.
  • Good empathic questioning also builds relationships, trust and rapport - nobody wants to buy anything from a sales person who's only interested in their own product or company - we all want to buy from somebody who gives the time and skill to interpreting and properly meeting our own personal needs
  • You will have prepared a list of questions or headings - now use it
  • Use open questions to gather information - for example, questions beginning with Who, What, Why, Where, When, How
  • When training or learning the skills of using open questions it helps to refer to the Rudyard Kipling rhyme: "I keep six honest serving men, They taught me all I knew; Their names are What and Why and When, And How and Where and Who.." - from Just So Stories, 1902, The Elephant's Child.)
  • Use "can you tell me about how..." if you are questioning a senior-level contact - generally the more senior the contact, the bigger the open questions you can ask, and the more the other person will be comfortable and able to give you the information you need in a big explanation
  • What...? and 'how...?' are the best words to use in open questions because they provoke thinking and responses about facts and feelings in a non-threatening way
  • Use 'why?' to find out reasons and motives beneath the initial answers given, but be very careful and sparing in using 'why' because the word 'why?' is threatening to most people - it causes the other person to feel they have to defend or justify themselves, and as such will not bring out the true situation and feelings, especially in early discussions with people when trust and rapport is at a low level
  • Listen carefully and empathically, maintain good eye-contact, understand, and show that you understand - especially understand what is meant and felt, not just what is said, particularly when you probe motives and personal aspects
  • Interpret and reflect back and confirm you have understood what is being explained, and if relevant the feelings behind it
  • Use closed questions to qualify and confirm your interpretation - a closed question is one that can be answered with a yes or no, eg., "Do you mean that when this type of equipment goes down then all production ceases?", or "Are you saying that if a new contract is not put in place by end-March then the existing one automatically renews for another year?"
  • When you've asked a question, SHUT UP - do not interrupt
  • Your prospect should be doing 80-99% of the talking during this stage of the sales call; if you are talking for a third or half of the time you are not asking the right sort of questions
  • Do not jump onto an opportunity and start explaining how you can solve the problem until you have asked all your questions and gathered all the information you need (in any event never be seen to 'jump' onto any issue)
  • All the time try to find out the strategic issues affected or implicated by the product/service in question - these are where the ultimate decision-making and buying motives lie.
  • If during the questioning you think of a new important question to ask note it down or you'll forget it
  • When you have all the information you need, acknowledge the fact and say thanks, then take a few moments to think about, discuss and summarise the key issues/requirements/priorities from your prospect's organizational (and personal if applicable) perspective
  • Questioning is traditionally treated by conventional sales people and conventional sales training as a process to gather information to assist the sales person's process, and this is how it is typically positioned in the old-style 'Seven Steps of the Sale'; however, modern sales methodology treats questioning in a radically different way - as an essential part of a facilitative process whose purpose is to help the buyer decide 
(4) Presentation
  • The sales presentation should focus on a central proposition, which should be the unique perceived benefit that the prospect gains from the product/service
  • During the questioning phase the sales person will have refined the understanding (and ideally gained agreement) as to what this is - the presentation must now focus on 'matching' the benefits of the product with the needs of the prospect so that the prospect is entirely satisfied that the proposition
  • The sales person therefore needs an excellent understanding of the many different organizational benefits that accrue to customers, and why, from the product/service - these perceived benefits will vary according to the type of customer organization (size, structure, market sector, strategy, general economic health, culture, etc)
  • The sales presentation must demonstrate that the product/service meets the prospect's needs, priorities, constraints and motives, or the prospect will not even consider buying or moving to the next stage; this is why establishing the prospect's situation and priorities during the questioning phase is so vital
  • The above point is especially important to consider when the sales person has to present on more than one occasion to different people or groups, who will each have different personal and organizational needs, and will therefore respond to different benefits (even though the central proposition and main perceived benefit remains constant)
  • All sales presentations, whether impromptu (off the cuff) or the result of significant preparation, must be well structured, clear and concise, professionally delivered, and have lots of integrity - the quality and integrity of the presentation is always regarded as a direct indication as to the quality and integrity of the product/service
  • It follows then that the sales person must avoid simply talking about technical features from the seller's point of view, without linking the features clearly to organizational context and benefit for the prospect - also avoid using any jargon which the prospect may not understand
  • Sales presentations must always meet the expectations of the listener in terms of the level of information and relevance to the prospect's own situation, which is another reason for proper preparation - a vague or poorly prepared sales presentation sticks out like a sore thumb, and it will be disowned immediately
  • When presenting to influencers, which is necessary on occasions, it is important to recognise that the sales person is effectively asking the influencers to personally endorse the proposition and the credibility of the selling organization and the sales person, so the influencers' needs in these areas are actually part of the organizational needs of the prospect company
  • The presentation must include relevant evidence of success, references from similar sectors and applications, facts and figures - all backing up the central proposition
  • Business decision-makers buy when they become satisfied that the decision will either make them money, or save them money or time; they also need to be certain that the new product/service will be sustainable and reliable; therefore the presentation must be convincing in these areas
  • Private consumer buyers ultimately buy for similar reasons, but for more personal ones as well, eg., image, security, ego, etc., which may need to feature in these type of presentations if they form part of the main perceived benefit
  • While the presentation must always focus on the main perceived benefit, it is important to show that all the other incidental requirements and constraints are met - but do not over-emphasise or attempt to 'pile high' loads of incidental benefits as this simply detracts from the central proposition
  • Presentations should use the language and style of the audience - eg., technical people need technical evidence; sales and marketing people like to see flair and competitive advantage accruing for their own sales organization; managing directors and finance directors want clear, concise benefits to costs, profits and operating efficiency; and generally the more senior the contact, the less time you will have to make your point - no-nonsense, no frills, but plenty of relevant hard facts and evidence.
  • If the sales person is required to present to a large group and in great depth, then it's extremely advisable to enlist the help of one or two suitably experienced colleagues, from the appropriate functions, eg., technical, customer service, distribution, etc., in which case the sales person must ensure that these people are properly briefed and prepared, and the prospect notified of their attendance.
  • Keep control of the presentation, but do so in a relaxed way; if you don't know the answer to a question don't waffle - say you don't know and promise to get back with an answer later, and make sure you do.
  • Never knock the competition - it undermines your credibility and integrity - don't even imply anything derogatory about the competition
  • If appropriate issue notes, or a copy of your presentation
  • Use props and samples and demonstrations if relevant and helpful, and make sure it all works properly
  • During the presentation seek feedback, confirmation and agreement as to the relevance of what you are saying, but don't be put off if people stay quiet
  • Invite questions at the end, and if your are comfortable, at the outset invite questions at any time - it depends on how confident you feel in controlling things
  • Whether presenting one-to-one or to a stern group, relax and be friendly - let your personality and natural enthusiasm shine through - people buy from people who love and have faith in their products and companies
(5) Overcoming objections/Negotiating  
  • «  decades ago it was assumed that at this stage lots of objections could appear, and this would tend to happen, because the selling process was more prescriptive, one-way, and less empathic; however, successful modern selling now demands more initial understanding from the sales person, even to get as far as presenting, so the need to overcome objections is not such a prevalent feature of the selling process
  • «  nevertheless objections do arise, and they can often be handled constructively, which is the key
  • «  if objections arise, firstly the sales person should qualify each one by reflecting back to the person who raised it, to establish the precise nature of the objection - "why do you say that?" is usually a good start
  • «  it may be necessary to probe deeper to get to the real issue, by asking why to a series of answers - some objections result from misunderstandings, and some are used to veil other misgivings which the sales person needs to expose
  • «  lots of objections are simply a request for more information, so definitely avoid responding by trying to re-sell the benefit - simply ask and probe instead; the best standard response is something like "I understand why that could be an issue, can I ask you to tell me more about why it is and what's important for you here?.."
  • «  try to avoid altogether the use of the word 'but' - it's inherently confrontational
  • «  an old-style technique was to reflect back the objection as a re-phrased question, but in a form that the sales person is confident of being able to answer positively, for example: the prospect says he thinks it's too expensive; the sales person reflects back: "I think what you're really saying is that you have no problem with giving us the contract, but you'd prefer the payments staged over three years rather than two? - well I think we could probably do something about that..."
  • «  another old-style technique used to be to isolate the objection (confirm that other than that sticking point everything else was fine), then to overcome the objection by drawing up a list of pro's and con's, or analysing to death all the hidden costs of not going for the deal, or re-selling the benefits even harder, and then to close powerfully, but these days such a contrived approach to objection handling is likely to insult the prospect and blow the sales person's credibility
  • «  it is important to flush out all of the objections, and in so doing, the sales person is effectively isolating them as the only reasons why the prospect should not proceed, but then the more modern approach is to work with the prospect in first understanding what lies beneath each objection, and then working with the prospect to shape the proposition so that it fits more acceptably with what is required. See the section on negotiating.
  • «  avoid head-to-head arguments - even if you win them you'll destroy the relationship you'll go no further - instead the sales person must enable a constructive discussion so that he and the prospect are both working at the problem together; provided the basic proposition is sound most objections are usually overcome by both the seller and the buyer adjusting their positions slightly; for large prospects and contracts this process can go on for weeks, which is why this is often more in the negotiating arena than objection handling
  • «  you've handled all the objections when you've covered everything that you've noted down - it's therefore important to keep notes and show that you're doing it
  • «  by this stage you may have seen some signs that the prospect is clearly visualising or imagining the sale proceeding, or even talking in terms of your working together as supplier and customer; this is sometimes called buying warmth. Certain questions and comments from prospects are described as buying signals because they indicate that the prospect may be visualising buying or having the product/service. In the old days, sales people were taught to respond to early buying signals with a 'trial close', but this widely perceived as clumsy and insulting nowadays. Instead respond to early buying signals (ie those received before you've completed the presentation to the prospect's satisfaction, and answered all possible queries) by asking why the question is important, and then by answering as helpfully as possible
(6)  Closing

  • «  in modern selling, even using the traditional Seven Steps process, every sales person's aim should be to prepare and conduct the selling process so well that there are few if any objections, and no need for a close
  • «  the best close these days is something like "Are you happy that we've covered everything and would you like to go ahead?", or simply "Would you like to go ahead?"
  • «  in many cases, if the sales person conducts the sale properly, the prospect will close the deal himself, and this should be the another aim for the sales person - it's civilised, respectful, and actually implies and requires a high level of sales professionalism
  • «  the manner in which a sale is concluded depends on the style of the decision-maker - watch out for the signs: no-nonsense high-achievers are likely to decide very quickly and may be a little irritated if you leave matters hanging after they've indicated they're happy; cautious technical people will want every detail covered and may need time to think, so don't push them, but do stay in touch and make sure they have all the information they need; very friendly types may actually say yes before they're ready, in which case you need to ensure that everything is suitably covered so nothing can rebound later
  • «  for the record here are some closes from the bad old days - the traditional golden rule was always to shut up after asking a closing question, even if the silence became embarrassingly long - (a who-talks-first-loses kind of thing) - use them at your peril:
    • o   the pen close: "Do you want to use your pen or mine?" (while producing the contract and pen)
    • o   the alternative close: for example - "Would you like it delivered next Tuesday or next Friday?", or "We can do the T50 model in silver, and we have a T52 in white - which one would you prefer?"
    • o   the challenge close: "I know most men wouldn't be able to buy something of this value without consulting their wives - do you need to get your wife's permission on this?.." or "Most business people in your position need to refer this kind of decision to their boss, do you need to refer it?"
    • o   the ego close: "We generally find that only the people who appreciate and are prepared to pay for the best quality go for this service - I don't know how you feel about it?..."
    • o   the negative close: "I'm sorry but due to the holidays we can't deliver in the three weeks after the 15th, so we can only do it next week, is that okay?"
    • o   the guilt close: "Over three years it might seem a lot of money, but we find that most responsible people decide they simply have no choice but to go for it when it's less than a pound/dollar a day to protect your.../safeguard your..../improve your... (whatever)."
    • o   the sympathy close: "I know you have some reservations that we can't overcome right now, but I've got to admit that I'm pretty desperate for this sale - my manager says he'll sack me if I don't get an order this week, and you're my last chance - I'd be ever so grateful if you'd go ahead - and I promise you we'd be able to sort out the extra features once I speak to our production people..." (How could anyone live with themselves using that one?....)
    • o   the puppy dog close/puppy dog sale: "Let me leave it with you and you see how you get on with it..."
    • o   the last ditch close: (sales person packs case and goes to leave, but stops at the door) "Just one last thing - would you tell me where I went wrong - you see I just know this is right for you, and I feel almost guilty that I've not sold it to you properly, as if I've let you down....."
    • o   the pro's and con's list: "I can appreciate this is a tough decision - what normally works is to write down a list of all the pro's and con's - two separate columns - and then we can both see clearly if overall it's the right thing to do..."
    • o   the elimination close: "I can see I've not explained this properly - can we take a moment to go through all the benefits and see which one is holding us back from proceeding?" (At which the sales person lists all the benefits - the positives, and runs through each one to confirm it's not that one which is causing the problem, crossing a line through each as he goes. When he crosses the last one out he can claim that there really seems to be no reason for not going ahead...)
(7) Follow-up
  • «  after-sales follow-up depends on the type of product and service, but generally for every sale the sales person must carry out a number of important processes:
  • «  all relevant paperwork must be completed and copies provided to the customer - paperwork is will cover the processing of the order, the confirmation of the order and its details to the customer, possibly the completion of installation and delivery specification and instructions
  • «  Sales reporting by the sales person is also necessary, generally on a pro-forma or computer screen, typically detailing the order value, product type and quantity, and details about the customer such as industrial sector - each sales organization stipulates the sales person's reporting requirements, and often these are linked to sales commissions and bonuses, etc.
  • «  The sales person should also make follow-up contact with the customer - as often as necessary - to confirm that the customer is happy with the way the order is being progressed; this helps reduce possible confusion and misunderstood expectations, which are a big cause of customer dissatisfaction or order cancellation if left to fester unresolved
  • «  Customer follow-up and problem resolution must always be the responsibility for the sales person, who should consider themselves the 'guardian' of that customer, even if a well-organised customer service exists for general after-sales care
  • «  Customers rightly hold sales people responsible for what happens after the sale is made, and good conscientious follow-up will usually be rewarded with referrals to other customers
  • «  Follow-up is an important indicator of integrity; when a sales person makes a sale he is personally endorsing the product and the company, so ensuring that value and satisfaction are fulfilled is an integral part of the modern sales function.